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Test value equality.

Returns True if * values are equal * one of the values is a DRF Field that the other value successfully validates as * values are strings that represent the same date or datetime.

Source code in tests/utils/
def _values_eql(a, b):
    """Test value equality.

    Returns True if
    * values are equal
    * one of the values is a DRF Field that the other value successfully validates as
    * values are strings that represent the same date or datetime."""
    if a == b:
        return True
        if isinstance(a, fields.Field):
            return True
        if isinstance(b, fields.Field):
            return True
    except exceptions.ValidationError as e:
        return False
    if type(a) == str and type(b) == str:
        dt_a = parse_date(a) or parse_datetime(a)
        dt_b = parse_date(b) or parse_datetime(b)
        if dt_a and dt_b:
            return dt_a == dt_b
    return False


Assert that all key-value pairs in dict are contained by another dict.

Arguments: * sub: dictionary that should be a subset of full * full: dictionary that contains all key-value pairs of sub * check_all_keys_equal: If enabled, values in full but not in sub fail test. * check_list_length: If enabled, check that lists are equal length.

Source code in tests/utils/
def assert_nested_subdict(
    sub: dict, full: dict, check_all_keys_equal=False, check_list_length=False
    """Assert that all key-value pairs in dict are contained by another dict.

    * sub: dictionary that should be a subset of `full`
    * full: dictionary that contains all key-value pairs of `sub`
    * check_all_keys_equal: If enabled, values in `full` but not in `sub` fail test.
    * check_list_length: If enabled, check that lists are equal length."""

    def recurse(sub_value, full_value, path):
        # convert OrderedDict to dict
        if isinstance(sub_value, OrderedDict):
            sub_value = dict(sub_value)
        if isinstance(full_value, OrderedDict):
            full_value = dict(full_value)

        # convert lists to dicts
        is_list = False
        if isinstance(sub_value, list) and isinstance(full_value, list):
            is_list = True
            if check_list_length and len(sub_value) != len(full_value):
                raise AssertionError(
                    f"Lists have different lengths, {path}: {len(sub_value)} != {len(full_value)}"
            sub_value = dict(enumerate(sub_value))
            full_value = dict(enumerate(full_value))

        # if either is non-dict, check equality and return
        if not (isinstance(sub_value, dict) and isinstance(full_value, dict)):
            if not _values_eql(full_value, sub_value):
                raise AssertionError(f"Different values for {path}: {sub_value} != {full_value}")

        # both are dicts, check keys and recurse
        if check_all_keys_equal and not is_list:
            missing_from_sub = set(full_value) - set(sub_value)
            if len(missing_from_sub) > 0:
                raise AssertionError(f"Keys missing from sub dict: {', '.join(missing_from_sub)}")

        for key, inner_sub_value in sub_value.items():
            key_path = f"{path}.{key}" if path else key
            if key not in full_value:
                raise AssertionError(f"Value missing from full dict: {key_path}={inner_sub_value}")
            inner_full_value = full_value[key]

    recurse(sub, full, path="")