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Bases: Serializer

List what the current logged in user is allowed to do with the dataset.

Helps other services determine what actions should be available for the user without having to reimplement Metax authorization logic. Checks AccessPolicy rules without making an actual request by faking the required view and request objects.

Expects object to be a dataset, so set source="*" when used as a dataset serializer field.

Source code in src/apps/core/serializers/
class DatasetAllowedActionsSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    """List what the current logged in user is allowed to do with the dataset.

    Helps other services determine what actions should be available for
    the user without having to reimplement Metax authorization logic.
    Checks AccessPolicy rules without making an actual request
    by faking the required view and request objects.

    Expects object to be a dataset, so set source="*" when used as a
    dataset serializer field.

    update = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
    download = serializers.SerializerMethodField()

    def access_policy(self):
        """Get access_policy from viewset while avoiding circular import errors."""
        from apps.core.views import DatasetViewSet

        return DatasetViewSet.access_policy

    def get_update(self, obj: Dataset):
        return self.access_policy().query_object_permission(
            user=self.context["request"].user, object=obj, action="update"

    def get_download(self, obj: Dataset):
        return self.access_policy().query_object_permission(
            user=self.context["request"].user, object=obj, action="<op:download>"

access_policy property #

Get access_policy from viewset while avoiding circular import errors.


Bases: Serializer

Source code in src/apps/core/serializers/
class DatasetAllowedActionsQueryParamsSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    include_allowed_actions = serializers.BooleanField(
        help_text=_("Include allowed actions for current user. Fairdata internal use."),