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Reference Data#

Reference data contains predefined data entries maintained by Metax. When creating or updating objects in Metax, values for some fields are checked against these known values.

In general, fields that accept reference data only allow values from reference data. Exceptions are:

  • license, which has writable description and custom_url fields (see Datasets API)
  • organization, which allows entries that are not from reference data


The table below lists the common fields of reference data.

Field Description
id [id] Metax internal identifier
url [url] URL, used for identifying entries
in_scheme [url] Scheme the data belongs to
pref_label [dict] Entry label, e.g. {"en": "Mathematics", "fi": "Matematiikka"}
broader [list] List of id values of parent entries of entry
narrower [list] List of id values of child entries of entry

Location fields#

Location reference data has the following additional fields.

Field Description
as_wkt [str] Coordinates of location reference data in WKT format

File format version fields#

File format version reference data has the following additional fields.

Field Description
file_format [str] File format of e.g. "application/pdf"
format_version [str] Version of file format e.g. "A-3a" for "application/pdf A-3a"

Organization fields#

Organization data has no broader and narrower fields. Instead they are named as follows.

Field Description
parent [object] Parent organization
children [list] Child organizations

Reference data types#

The following table includes reference data types and the fields that use them. A field name ending with [] indicates a list.

Reference data Used by fields
/v3/organizations Dataset.actors[].organization
/v3/reference-data/access-types Dataset.access_rights.access_type
/v3/reference-data/event-outcomes Dataset.provenance[].event_outcome
/v3/reference-data/fields-of-science Dataset.field_of_science[]
/v3/reference-data/file-format-versions File.characteristics.file_format_version
/v3/reference-data/file-types Dataset.fileset.file_actions[].dataset_metadata.file_type
/v3/reference-data/funder-types Dataset.projects[].funding[].funder.funder_type
/v3/reference-data/identifier-types Dataset.other_identifiers[].identifier_type
/v3/reference-data/languages DataCatalog.language[]
/v3/reference-data/licenses Dataset.access_rights.license[]
/v3/reference-data/lifecycle-events Dataset.provenance[].lifecycle_event
/v3/reference-data/locations Dataset.provenance[].spatial.reference
/v3/reference-data/preservation-events Dataset.provenance[].preservation_event
/v3/reference-data/relation-types Dataset.relation[].relation_type
/v3/reference-data/research-infras Dataset.infrastructure[]
/v3/reference-data/resource-types Dataset.provenance[].used_entity[].type
/v3/reference-data/restriction-grounds Dataset.access_rights.restriction_grounds[]
/v3/reference-data/themes Dataset.theme[]
/v3/reference-data/use-categories Dataset.fileset.directory_actions[].dataset_metadata.use_category


The field_of_science list can be used to specify which fields of science a dataset belongs to. The reference data is available at /v3/reference-data/fields-of-science. Filtering for a reference data entry with a specific label can be done with ?pref_label=value. For example, /v3/reference-data/fields-of-science?pref_label=math will include the entry with label "Mathematics", which has "url": "".

To set the fields of science for a dataset, send a PATCH request to /v3/datasets/<id> with:

  "field_of_science": [
      "url": ""
Only url is required in the reference data object. The other fields are retrieved from reference data.