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Differences between V1-V2 and V3#

Metax V3 Rest-API has number of changes from previous versions (v1-v2) and is incompatible in most API-endpoints.

This page introduces the main differences between the versions, but the most up-to-date information about the specific API version can always be found in the Swagger documentation.

Authentication and authorization#

Unlike Metax V1-V2, V3 does not use basic authentication headers. Instead, a bearer token is provided to users and integration customers. More details in End User Access.


Main differences are: removal of the research_dataset nested object, and more descriptive field names.

In Metax V3 fields of catalog_record (the object's root of the response in V2) and research_dataset are merged in to the same level in the response, under "dataset".

For more information, see the new Dataset API user guide.

A good starting point for converting a dataset payload to the V3 format is the POST /v3/datasets/convert_from_legacy helper endpoint. It accepts V1/V2 dataset JSON and converts it into V3 style dataset JSON. If errors are detected in the resulting JSON, they are included in "errors" object in the response. The endpoint does not do any permission checks or validate that the dataset JSON has all the data needed for publishing.

Example dataset conversion using POST /v3/datasets/convert_from_legacy

  "state": "published",
  "data_catalog": "urn:nbn:fi:att:data-catalog-ida",
  "research_dataset": {
    "description": {
      "en": "Dataset description"
    "creator": [
        "@type": "Person",
        "name": "Teppo Testaaja"
    "publisher": {
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "Teppo Testaaja"
  "state": "published",
  "description": {
    "en": "Dataset description"
  "data_catalog": "urn:nbn:fi:att:data-catalog-ida",
  "actors": [
      "person": {
        "name": "Teppo Testaaja"
      "roles": [
  "errors": {
    "title": [
      "This field is required."

Dataset endpoints#

There's a few changes made for the datasets endpoints. Bulk actions are removed. Also fetching datasets based on the list of identifiers are removed as well as separate endpoints to get the identifiers as a list.

Endpoints to manage datasets' editor permissions are not implemented to v3 yet but will be replaced with similar system as in Metax v2. Metax V2 editor permissions continue to work as before.

type v2 endpoint v3 endpoint notes
PUT /datasets[list] Not used in V3 Update of a list of datasets.
PATCH /datasets[list] Not used in V3 Partial update of a list of datasets.
DELETE /datasets Not used in V3 Delete of a list of datasets
POST /datasets/identifiers Not used in V3 A list of all dataset identifiers
POST /datasets/unique_preferred_identifiers Not used in V3 A list of unique dataset preferred ids
POST /datasets/list Not used in V3 Fetch a set of datasets using ids
GET /datasets/{pid}/files see Files for more information
POST /datasets/{pid}/files see Files for more information
GET /datasets/{pid}/files/{file_pid} see Files for more information
PUT /datasets/{pid}/files/user_metadata see Files for more information
PATCH /datasets/{pid}/files/user_metadata see Files for more information
GET /datasets/{CRID}/editor_permissions/users /datasets/{id}/permissions/editors list editor permissions
POST /datasets/{CRID}/editor_permissions/users /datasets/{id}/permissions/editors create editor permissions
GET /datasets/{CRID}/editor_permissions/users/{USER_ID} /datasets/{id}/permissions/editors/{user_name} return single permission
PATCH /datasets/{CRID}/editor_permissions/users/{USER_ID} Not used in V3
DELETE /datasets/{CRID}/editor_permissions/users/{USER_ID} /datasets/{id}/permissions/editors/{user_name} remove permission from single user

Field names#

V1-V2 field name V3 field name Notes
data_catalog [object] data_catalog [str] This is a URN-type identifier. use ?expand_catalog=true to get detailed catalog with dataset response
dataset_version_set [list] dataset_versions [list]
date_created [datetime] created [datetime]
date_cumulation_started [datetime] cumulation_started [datetime]
date_deprecated [datetime] deprecated [datetime] date_deprecated [datetime] and deprecated [bool] have been combined into one deprecated [datetime] field.
date_last_cumulative_addition [datetime] last_cumulative_addition [datetime]
date_modified [datetime] modified [datetime]
date_removed [datetime] removed [datetime] date_removed [datetime] and removed [bool] have been combined into one removed [datetime] field.
deprecated [bool] deprecated [datetime] deprecated [bool] and date_deprecated [datetime] have been combined into one deprecated [datetime] field.
identifier [uuid] id [uuid]
metadata_owner_org [str] metadata_owner.organization [str]
metadata_provider_org [str] not used in V3 Metadata provider can now be found under metadata_owner.organization.
metadata_provider_user [str] metadata_owner.user [str]
N/A fileset [object] See Dataset Files for more information on fileset.
N/A preservation.contract [str] Contract identifier
preservation_dataset_origin_version [object] preservation.dataset_origin_version [object]
preservation_dataset_version [object] preservation.dataset_version [object]
preservation_description [str] preservation.description [str]
preservation_identifier [str] [uuid]
preservation_reason_description [str] preservation.reason_description [str]
preservation_state [int] preservation.state [int]
preservation_state_modified [datetime] preservation.state_modified [datetime]
N/A preservation.pas_package_created [boolean] Is preservation package created
N/A preservation.pas_process_running [boolean] Is preservation process currently running
previous_dataset_version [object] not used in V3 Version information can now be found under dataset_versions.
removed [bool] removed [datetime] removed [bool] and date_removed [datetime] have been combined into one removed [datetime] field.
research_dataset [object] not used in V3 All metadata under research_dataset has been moved directly under dataset. See fields below.
research_dataset.access_rights [object] access_rights [object]
research_dataset.available [date] access_rights.available [date]
research_dataset.contributor [list] actors [list] See Actors-section for information on specifying actor roles in V3.
research_dataset.creator [list] actors [list] See Actors-section for information on specifying actor roles in V3.
research_dataset.curator [list] actors [list] See Actors-section for information on specifying actor roles in V3.
research_dataset.description [dict] description [dict]
research_dataset.field_of_science [list] field_of_science [list]
research_dataset.is_output_of [list] projects [list] See Projects for more information on Projects
research_dataset.issued [date] issued [datetime]
research_dataset.keyword [list] keyword [list]
research_dataset.language [list] language [list]
research_dataset.modified [datetime] modified [datetime]
research_dataset.other_identifier [list] other_identifiers [list]
research_dataset.preferred_identifier persistent_identifier
research_dataset.provenance [list] provenance [list]
research_dataset.publisher [object] actors [list] See Actors-section for information on specifying actor roles in V3.
research_dataset.relation[list] relation [list]
research_dataset.rights_holder [list] actors [list] See Actors-section for information on specifying actor roles in V3.
research_dataset.spatial [list] spatial [list]
research_dataset.temporal [list] temporal [list]
research_dataset.theme [list] theme [list]
research_dataset.title [dict] title [dict]
research_dataset.total_files_byte_size [int] fileset.total_files_size [int] See Dataset Files for more information on fileset.
user_created not used in V3 This information can now be found in metadata_owner.user.

Complex fields#

Reference data fields#

In dataset, reference data fields such as location and organization have been unified structurally. Now all of these share the same base fields and payload format.

V1-V2 V3 field name
identifier [url] url [url]
title or pref_label [dict] pref_label [dict]

Only the url needs to be provided for objects from reference data. The other related values (e.g. pref_label, scheme) are filled in from reference data.

Reference data JSON differences between V2 and V3

  "reference": {
    "in_scheme": "",
    "url": "",
    "pref_label": {
      "fi": "Alppikylä (Helsinki)",
      "sv": "Alpbyn (Helsingfors)"
  "full_address": "Alppikylä",
  "geographic_name": "Alppikylä"
  "place_uri": {
    "in_scheme": "",
    "identifier": "",
    "pref_label": {
      "fi": "Alppikylä (Helsinki)",
      "sv": "Alpbyn (Helsingfors)"
  "full_address": "Alppikylä",
  "geographic_name": "Alppikylä"

You can add most reference data using only the url field:


POST /v3/datasets

  "language": [
      "url": ""

Access Rights#

Dataset access rights is now top level object in dataset. Following table shows differences in object structure.

V1-V2 V3 field name
access_type/identifier [url] access_type/url [url]
license/identifier [url] license/url [url]
license/license [url] license/custom_url [url]
access_url [url] Not used in V3

Access rights JSON differences between V2 and V3

  "access_rights": {
    "id": "ed1a5847-2db4-4a45-9505-916bd8e62407",
    "license": [
        "custom_url": "",
        "id": "706e9fd7-4299-4c4a-bc0c-a4438b2a33b5",
        "url": "",
        "in_scheme": "",
        "pref_label": {
          "en": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)",
          "fi": "Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen (CC BY 4.0)"
    "access_type": {
      "id": "36e31df0-04cd-4178-ad56-81fc5f74ac31",
      "url": "",
      "in_scheme": "",
      "pref_label": {
        "fi": "Avoin"
  "access_rights": {
    "license": [
        "title": {
          "fi": "Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen (CC BY 4.0)"
        "license": "",
        "identifier": ""
    "access_type": {
      "in_scheme": "",
      "identifier": "",
      "pref_label": {
        "fi": "Avoin"

Access rights object is composed of two main sub-objects:

  • license
  • access_type


License object needs either url or custom_url filled. Url must be part of license collection. Custom url is reserved for licenses not part of the collection.

You don't have to submit the entire object again if you want to edit it. This is valid PATCH request body:


PATCH /v3/datasets/{id}

  "access_rights": {
    "id": "ed1a5847-2db4-4a45-9505-916bd8e62407",
    "license": [
        "id": "706e9fd7-4299-4c4a-bc0c-a4438b2a33b5"
    "access_type": {
      "id": "36e31df0-04cd-4178-ad56-81fc5f74ac31"
    "description": {
      "fi": "kuvaus"


All actors are listed in actors field. Dataset related actors with roles such as creator, publisher, curator, rights_holder and contributor have been moved under actor object in roles field. Roles field is a list of roles eg. ["creator", "publisher"].

Instead of having a typed actor object like @type: "Person" or @type: "Organization, actors have person and organization fields. The fields for person are:

V1-V2 person actor field V3 actor field Notes
@type [str] Not used in V3 replaced by person field
email [str] [str]
identifier [str] person.external_identifier [str]
member_of [object] organization [object]
name [str] [str]
contributor_type [object] Not used in V3
contributor_role [object] Not used in V3
telephone [str] Not used in V3
Not in V2 roles [list] List of roles of an actor. eg. creator, publisher

Organizations have some fields specific only to reference data organizations: url and in_scheme. Only url is writable for reference data organizations, other values are determined automatically. The fields for organization are:

V1-V2 organization actor field V3 actor field Notes
@type [str] Not used in V3 same as V2 organization, if person field is null.
name [str] organization.pref_label [str]
is_part_of [object] organization.parent [object]
identifier [str] organization.external_identifier [str]
identifier [str] organization.url [url] (only reference data)
Not in V2 organization.in_scheme [url] (only reference data)
email [str] [str]
contributor_type [object] Not used in V3
telephone [str] Not used in V3
Not in V2 roles [list] List of roles of an actor. eg. creator, publisher

Actors JSON differences between V2 and V3

  "actors": [
      "roles": [
      "organization": {
        "url": "",
        "in_scheme": "",
        "pref_label": {
          "en": "CSC – IT Center for Science",
          "fi": "CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy",
          "sv": "CSC – IT Center for Science",
          "und": "CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy"
      "person": {
        "name": "John Doe"
      "roles": [
      "organization": {
        "url": "",
        "in_scheme": "",
        "pref_label": {
          "en": "CSC – IT Center for Science",
          "fi": "CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy",
          "sv": "CSC – IT Center for Science",
          "und": "CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy"
      "person": {
        "name": "Jane Doe"
  "creator": [
      "name": "John Doe",
      "@type": "Person",
      "member_of": {
        "name": {
          "en": "CSC – IT Center for Science",
          "fi": "CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy",
          "sv": "CSC – IT Center for Science",
          "und": "CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy"
        "@type": "Organization",
        "identifier": ""
  "publisher": {
    "name": "Jane Doe",
    "@type": "Person",
    "member_of": {
      "name": {
        "en": "CSC – IT Center for Science",
        "fi": "CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy",
        "sv": "CSC – IT Center for Science",
        "und": "CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy"
      "@type": "Organization",
      "identifier": ""

Entity relations#

V1-V2 field V3 field
entity.identifier [dict] entity.entity_identifier [str]


New Projects model supports Multiple funding items per project. This gives opportunity to describe continuous funding in more detail than before. Naming of the fields is also considerably different, so straight mapping between Metax v2's is_output_of field is artificial.

New project introduces three new models: Project, Funding and Funder. These models are respectively nested as follows Project -> [Funding] -> Funder.

Project Model#

Describes a project where the dataset was made.

Field Description
title [dict] Multilanguage field. Name of the project
project_identifier [str] External project identifier
participating_organizations: [List] List of Organizations that participated in the project
funding: [List] List of Funds that project has been granted
Funding Model#

Describes funding that the project was granted.

Field Description
funder: [Funder] Funder organization. See Funder.
funding_identifier [str] Identifier given by the funder organization
Funder Model#

Describes a funder that granted the fund.

Funder must have either organization or funder_type.

List of possible funder_type can be found in the funder type reference data listing.

Field Description
organization [Organization] Funder organization. See Organization
funder_type: [object] Funder Type reference


Biggest change in provenance field is that it is its own object in database. Provenance fields are also their own objects and as such have their own id fields when created, as does provenance itself.

Provenance JSON differences between V2 and V3

  "provenance": [
      "title": {
        "fi": "otsikko"
      "description": {
        "fi": "kuvaus"
      "spatial": {
        "full_address": "Annankatu 5",
        "geographic_name": "Random test location",
        "altitude_in_meters": 5,
        "reference": {
          "url": ""
        "as_wkt": "POINT(27.74209 64.23567)",
        "custom_wkt": ["POINT(27.73833 64.23114)"]
      "lifecycle_event": {
        "url": ""
      "event_outcome": {
        "url": ""
      "outcome_description": {
        "en": "Descriptive outcome"
      "temporal": {
        "end_date": "2023-06-20T00:00:00.000Z",
        "start_date": "2023-06-19T00:00:00.000Z"
      "is_associated_with": [
          "organization": {
            "url": ""
          "person": {
            "name": "Olemassaolematon Henkilö"
  "provenance": [
      "title": {
        "fi": "otsikko"
      "description": {
        "fi": "kuvaus"
      "event_outcome": {
        "identifier": "",
        "in_scheme": "",
        "pref_label": {
          "en": "Success",
          "fi": "Onnistunut",
          "sv": "Framgångsrik",
          "und": "Onnistunut"
      "lifecycle_event": {
        "identifier": "",
        "in_scheme": "",
        "pref_label": {
          "en": "Planned",
          "fi": "Suunniteltu",
          "und": "Planned"
      "outcome_description": {
        "en": "Descriptive outcome"
      "spatial": {
        "full_address": "Annankatu 5",
        "geographic_name": "Random test location",
        "altitude_in_meters": "5",
        "place_uri": {
          "identifier": ""
        "as_wkt": ["POINT(27.74209 64.23567)", "POINT(27.73833 64.23114)"]
      "temporal": {
        "end_date": "2023-06-20T00:00:00.000Z",
        "start_date": "2023-06-19T00:00:00.000Z"
      "was_associated_with": [
          "@type": "Person",
          "member_of": {
            "@type": "Organization",
            "identifier": "",
            "name": {
              "en": "example organization",
              "fi": "esimerkkiorganisaatio",
              "sv": "exampelorganisation",
              "und": "example organization"
          "name": "Olemassaolematon Henkilö"

Remote resources#

Remote resources have gained support for title and description in multiple languages. Some other fields have been removed or simplified:

V1-V2 field V3 field Notes
access_url [object] access_url [url]
checksum [object] checksum [algorithm:value] e.g. "sha256:f00f"
description [dict] description [dict]
download_url [object] download_url [url]
title [dict] title [dict]
identifier [str] Not used in V3
modified [date] Not used in V3
byte_size [int] Not used in V3
license [list] Not used in V3
resource_type [object] Not used in V3
has_object_characteristics [object] Not used in V3

Spatial coverage#

In Metax V2 as_wkt was filled in from reference data if it was empty. In V3, reference data geometry is in reference.as_wkt string and user-provided geometry in custom_wkt list.

V1-V2 field V3 field Notes
alt [str] altitude_in_meters [float]
as_wkt [list] custom_wkt [list] user defined wkt
place_uri [object] reference [object]
place_uri.identifier [object] reference.url [object]
as_wkt [list] reference.as_wkt [str] reference defined wkt

Temporal coverage#

Temporal coverage objects now use dates instead of datetime values.

V1-V2 field V3 field
start_date [datetime] start_date [date]
end_date [datetime] end_date [date]

Query parameters#

V3 query parameters follow the hierarchy structure of the object schema. Consider the following V3 dataset:


POST /v3/datasets

  "data_catalog": "urn:data-catalog-example",
  "title": {
    "fi": "V3 Esimerkkiaineisto",
    "en": "A V3 Test Dataset"
  "persistent_identifier": "test-identifier:1234567890",
  "actors": [
      "roles": ["creator", "publisher"],
      "person": {
        "name": "Teppo Testaaja"
      "organization": {
        "url": ""
  "description": {
    "fi": "V3 esimerkkiaineiston kuvaus.",
    "en": "Description of the V3 test dataset."
  "state": "published"

In this example, you could find this dataset using the query parameter title=A V3 Test Dataset. Or, if you would like to find this dataset with person name, you would use query parameter actors__person__name=Teppo+Testaaja, as the field actors is a list of objects that include a person object with the field name.

Changes in query parameters#

These are the changed query parameters used in datasets listing (/v3/datasets). Complete list of query parameters can be found in the Swagger documentation.

V1-V2 parameter name V3 parameter name Notes
actor_filter actors__role
actor_filter actors__person__name
actor_filter actors__organization__pref_label
api_version not used in V3
contract_org_identifier not used in V3
curator not used in V3 See actor__filter changes.
data_catalog data_catalog__id
data_catalog data_catalog__title
editor_permissions_user only_owned_or_shared 🕰 All related query parameters not implemented yet 🕰
fields 🕰 Not implemented yet 🕰
include_legacy not used in V3
include_user_metadata not used in V3 File and directory specific metadata is included in files and directories endpoint response. See Dataset-specific file metadata.
latest latest_versions
metadata_owner_org metadata_owner__organization
metadata_provider_user metadata_owner__user
N/A access_rights__access_type__pref_label
N/A actors__roles_creator
N/A deprecated
N/A expand_catalog Include full data catalog in dataset response instead of just an identifier.
N/A field_of_science__pref_label
N/A file_type
N/A format Format of response, json or api (HTML).
N/A has_files
N/A include_nulls Include also null values in the response.
N/A include_removed Include also removed datasets in response.
N/A infrastructure__pref_label
N/A keyword
N/A pagination Use pagination true/false.
N/A preservation__contract
N/A projects__title
N/A search Free text search from PID, title, theme, actors, description, keywords, relation id's, and other identifiers.
N/A storage_services Storage service(s) used for dataset files, separated by a comma.
N/A strict Enable/disable errors on unknown query parameters/request values.
N/A title
owner_id not used in V3
pas_filter not used in V3
preferred_identifier persistent_identifier
preservation_state preservation__state
projects csc_projects
research_dataset_fields not used in V3 Research dataset object not present in V3.
user_created metadata_owner__user



You can check the supported http methods from the Swagger documentation, this table lists only the resource path changes.

V1-V2 endpoint V3 endpoint
/datasets/identifiers 🕰
/datasets/list /datasets
/datasets/metadata_versions :no-entry:
/datasets/unique_preferred_identifiers :no-entry:
/datasets/{CRID}/editor_permissions/users ❓

RPC endpoints#

There are no longer separate /rpc/ endpoints. They have been moved under /v3/ together with the former /rest/ style endpoints.


Endpoints with flush functionality (hard delete) will accept flush parameter only in non-production environments.

V1-V2 endpoint V3 endpoint
/rpc/datasets/get_minimal_dataset_template ❓
/rpc/datasets/set_preservation_identifier Not used in V3
/rpc/datasets/refresh_directory_content Not used in V3
/rpc/datasets/fix_deprecated Not used in V3
/rpc/datasets/flush_user_data DELETE /v3/users/<id>
/rpc/files/delete_project DELETE /v3/files?csc_project={project}
/rpc/files/flush_project DELETE /v3/files?csc_project={project}&flush=true
/rpc/statistics/* ❓


Finding reference data#

To find an entry for a reference data field, query parameter pref_label can be used when accessing the reference data endpoint of the field. In this example, "finnish" is searched from the languages-endpoint. The result contains 4 different entries and the most suitable one can be included in a dataset using the url of the entry.

See reference data API changes for a full list of reference data fields and their endpoints.

Finding Finnish language

GET /v3/reference-data/languages?pref_label=finnish

      "count": 4,
      "results": [
          "url": "",
          "in_scheme": "",
          "pref_label": {
            "fi": "Ruijan murteet",
            "en": "Kven Finnish",
            "sv": "Kvänska"
          "url": "",
          "in_scheme": "",
          "pref_label": {
            "en": "Kalo Finnish Romani",
            "ru": "Финский кало",
            "pms": "Lenga romani kalo finlandèisa"
          "url": "",
          "in_scheme": "",
          "pref_label": {
            "fi": "Suomalainen viittomakieli",
            "en": "Finnish Sign Language"
          "url": "",
          "in_scheme": "",
          "pref_label": {
            "fi": "suomi",
            "en": "Finnish",
            "sv": "finska"

Creating a dataset#

This example compares the payloads of V3 and V2 dataset creation.

Creating a dataset JSON payload

POST /v3/datasets

  "data_catalog": "urn:data-catalog-example",
  "title": {
    "fi": "V3 Esimerkkiaineisto",
    "en": "A V3 Test Dataset"
  "persistent_identifier": "test-identifier:1234567890",
  "actors": [
      "roles": ["creator", "publisher"],
      "person": {
        "name": "Teppo Testaaja"
      "organization": {
        "url": ""
  "theme": [
      "url": ""
  "language": [
      "url": ""
  "description": {
    "fi": "V3 esimerkkiaineiston kuvaus.",
    "en": "Description of the V3 test dataset."
  "access_rights": {
    "license": [
        "url": ""
    "access_type": {
      "url": ""
    "description": {
      "fi": "Saatavuustietojen kuvaus.",
      "en": "Description of the access rights."
  "field_of_science": [
      "url": ""
  "state": "published"

POST /rest/v2/datasets

  "data_catalog": {
    "identifier": "urn:data-catalog-test"
  "research_dataset": {
    "title": {
      "fi": "V2 Esimerkkiaineisto",
      "en": "A V2 Test Dataset"
    "preferred_identifier": "test-identifier:1234567890",
    "creator": [
        "name": "Teppo Testaaja",
        "@type": "Person",
        "member_of": {
          "@type": "Organization",
          "identifier": ""
    "publisher": {
      "name": "Teppo Testaaja",
      "@type": "Person",
      "member_of": {
        "@type": "Organization",
        "identifier": ""
    "theme": [
        "identifier": ""
    "language": [
        "identifier": ""
    "description": {
      "fi": "V2 esimerkkiaineiston kuvaus.",
      "en": "Description of the V2 test dataset."
    "access_rights": {
      "license": [
          "identifier": ""
      "access_type": {
        "identifier": ""
    "field_of_science": [
        "identifier": ""
  "state": "published",
  "metadata_provider_org": "",
  "metadata_provider_user": "teppo"

Modifying a dataset#

A dataset can be modified using either a PATCH or a PUT request. With a PATCH request, only the changed fields need to be included in the request body. Unchanged fields can be omitted. Fields in the target dataset will be replaced with the values found in the request. To clear a field, set it to null.

Note that the whole field will be replaced, so lists, for example, need to contain all values (changed and unchanged) that are to be found in the final result.

This is valid PATCH request for the above V3 dataset:


PATCH /v3/datasets/{id}

  "title": {
    "fi": "Uusi otsikko",
    "en": "New title"
  "language": [
      "url": ""
      "url": ""
  "description": {
    "fi": "Uusi kuvaus",
    "en": "New description"

GET /v3/datasets/{id}

  "access_rights": {
    "description": {
      "en": "Description of the access rights.",
      "fi": "Saatavuustietojen kuvaus."
    "license": [
        "url": "",
        "in_scheme": "",
        "pref_label": {
          "en": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)",
          "fi": "Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen (CC BY 4.0)"
    "access_type": {
      "url": "",
      "in_scheme": "",
      "pref_label": {
        "en": "Open",
        "fi": "Avoin"
    "restriction_grounds": []
  "actors": [
      "roles": ["creator", "publisher"],
      "person": {
        "name": "Teppo Testaaja"
      "organization": {
        "pref_label": {
          "en": "CSC – IT Center for Science",
          "fi": "CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy",
          "sv": "CSC – IT Center for Science",
          "und": "CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy"
        "url": "",
        "in_scheme": ""
  "cumulative_state": 0,
  "data_catalog": "urn:data-catalog-example",
  "description": {
    "fi": "Uusi kuvaus",
    "en": "New description"
  "field_of_science": [
      "url": "",
      "in_scheme": "",
      "pref_label": {
        "en": "Statistics and probability",
        "fi": "Tilastotiede",
        "sv": "Statistik"
  "infrastructure": [],
  "issued": "2024-04-03",
  "keyword": [],
  "language": [
      "url": "",
      "in_scheme": "",
      "pref_label": {
        "fi": "suomi",
        "en": "Finnish",
        "sv": "finska"
      "url": "",
      "in_scheme": "",
      "pref_label": {
        "fi": "englanti",
        "en": "English",
        "sv": "engelska"
  "metadata_owner": {
    "user": "teppo",
    "organization": ""
  "other_identifiers": [],
  "persistent_identifier": "test-identifier:12345678990",
  "projects": [],
  "provenance": [],
  "relation": [],
  "remote_resources": [],
  "spatial": [],
  "state": "published",
  "temporal": [],
  "theme": [
      "url": "",
      "in_scheme": "",
      "pref_label": {
        "en": "testing",
        "fi": "testaus",
        "se": "testen",
        "sv": "testning"
  "title": {
    "fi": "Uusi otsikko",
    "en": "New title"
  "created": "2024-04-03T14:13:57Z",
  "modified": "2024-04-03T14:13:57Z",
  "dataset_versions": [
      "title": {
        "en": "New title",
        "fi": "Uusi otsikko"
      "persistent_identifier": "test-identifier:12345678990",
      "state": "published",
      "created": "2024-04-03T14:13:57Z",
      "version": 1
  "published_revision": 2,
  "draft_revision": 0,
  "version": 1

A dataset can also be modified using a PUT request, that replaces the whole target dataset. When using a PUT request, both changed and unchanged fields need to be present in the request body.

Minimal valid dataset template#

  "data_catalog": "urn:nbn:fi:att:data-catalog-harvested-test",
  "persistent_identifier": "12345",
  "title": {
    "fi": "Esimerkkiaineisto",
    "en": "Example Dataset"
  "description": {
    "fi": "Esimerkkiaineiston kuvaus.",
    "en": "Description of the example dataset."
  "access_rights": {
    "access_type": {
      "url": ""
    "license": [
        "url": ""
  "actors": [
      "roles": ["creator", "publisher"],
      "person": {
        "name": "Teppo Testaaja"
  "state": "published"
  "data_catalog": "urn:nbn:fi:att:data-catalog-test",
  "generate_pid_on_publish": "URN",
  "title": {
    "fi": "Esimerkkiaineisto",
    "en": "Example Dataset"
  "description": {
    "fi": "Esimerkkiaineiston kuvaus.",
    "en": "Description of the example dataset."
  "access_rights": {
    "access_type": {
      "url": ""
    "license": [
        "url": ""
  "actors": [
      "roles": ["creator", "publisher"],
      "person": {
        "name": "Teppo Testaaja"
  "state": "published"

Reference data API changes#

Reference data has been moved from ElasticSearch to the Metax database. Searching for an entry with a specific label can be done with the pref_label query parameter e.g. ?pref_label=somelabel.

V1-V2 endpoint V3 endpoint
/es/reference_data/access_type/_search /v3/reference-data/access-types
/es/reference_data/contributor_role/_search /v3/reference-data/contributor-roles
/es/reference_data/contributor_type/_search /v3/reference-data/contributor-types
/es/reference_data/event_outcome/_search /v3/reference-data/event-outcomes
/es/reference_data/field_of_science/_search /v3/reference-data/fields-of-science
/es/reference_data/file_format_version/_search /v3/reference-data/file-format-versions
/es/reference_data/file_type/_search /v3/reference-data/file-types
/es/reference_data/funder_type/_search /v3/reference-data/funder-types
/es/reference_data/identifier_type/_search /v3/reference-data/identifier-types
/es/reference_data/keyword/_search /v3/reference-data/themes
/es/reference_data/language/_search /v3/reference-data/languages
/es/reference_data/license/_search /v3/reference-data/licenses
/es/reference_data/lifecycle_event/_search /v3/reference-data/lifecycle-events
/es/reference_data/location/_search /v3/reference-data/locations
/es/reference_data/mime_type/_search ⛔
/es/reference_data/preservation_event/_search /v3/reference-data/preservation-events
/es/reference_data/relation_type/_search /v3/reference-data/relation-types
/es/reference_data/research_infra/_search /v3/reference-data/research-infras
/es/reference_data/resource_type/_search /v3/reference-data/resource-types
/es/reference_data/restriction_grounds/_search /v3/reference-data/restriction-grounds
/es/reference_data/use_category/_search /v3/reference-data/use-categories
/es/organization_data/organization/_search /v3/organizations

Reference data field changes#

In earlier Metax versions reference data fields were name differently in ElasticSearch and as part of a dataset. In V3 the fields have the same names as part of a dataset and in the reference data endpoints.

V1-V2 Dataset V1-V2 ElasticSearch V3 field name
identifier [url] uri [url] url [url]
in_scheme [url] scheme [url] in_scheme [url]
pref_label [dict] label [dict] pref_label [dict]
id [str] ⛔
type [str] ⛔
code [str] ⛔
internal_code ⛔
parent_ids broader [obj]
child_ids [list] children [list]
has_children [bool] ⛔
same_as [list] same_as [list]
name* [dict] label [dict] pref_label [dict]
is_part_of* [obj] parent_id [str] parent [obj]
as_wkt** [list] wkt [str] as_wkt [str]
file_format*** input_file_format file_format
format_version*** output_format_version format_version

* Organization data.
** Location data.
*** File format version data.

Files API changes#


File identifier in external storage service has been renamed from identifier to storage_identifier. The storage_identifier value is only unique per storage service and the same value may exist in multiple services.

Field names#

Field V1/V2 V3
File id id [int] id [uuid] ⭐
File id in external service identifier [str] storage_identifier [str] ⭐
External service file_storage [str]
e.g. urn:nbn:fi:att:file-storage-ida
storage_service [str]
e.g. ida ⭐
Project identifier project_identifier [str] csc_project [str] 🕰
Modification date in external service file_modified [datetime] modified [datetime] ⭐
Freeze date in external service file_frozen [datetime] frozen [datetime] ⭐
File removal date from Metax file_removed removed [datetime] ⭐
Deletion date file_deleted [datetime] :no-entry:
Upload date in external service file_uploaded [datetime] :no-entry:
File extension file_format [str] :no-entry:
File characteristics file_characteristics [object] characteristics ⭐
File characteristics file format file_characteristics.file_format [object] characteristics.file_format_version.file_format ⭐
File characteristics format version file_characteristics.format_version [object] characteristics.file_format_version.format_version ⭐
File characteristics extension file_characteristics_extension [object] characteristics_extension ⭐
Parent directory parent_directory [obj] :no-entry:
Full file path file_path [str] pathname [str] ⭐
File name file_name [str] filename, determined from pathname [str] ⭐
Open access open_access [bool] :no-entry:
PAS compatible pas_compatible [bool] is_pas_compatible [bool] 🕰
File size in bytes byte_size [int] size [int] ⭐
Checksum algorithm checksum_algorithm checksum [algorithm:value], e.g. "sha256:f00f" ⭐
Checksum value checksum_value merged with checksum_algorithm ⭐
Checksum check date checksum_checked :no-entry:


Directories no longer exist as persistent database objects. They are instead generated dynamically based on filtered file results when browsing the /v3/directories endpoint.

When browsing directories and the query parameter dataset=<id> is set, the directory file_count and size values correspond to total count and size of directory files belonging to the dataset. When exclude_dataset=true is also set, the returned counts are for directory files not belonging to the dataset.

See Directory object fields for available directory fields.

File storages#

In V1/V2, a file storage is an object reprenting an external service where files are stored. In V3, file storages represent a collection of files in an external service. For example, each IDA project has its own file storage object, identified by {"storage_service": "ida", "csc_project": <project> }.

File storages are created automatically when files are added and are not exposed directly through the API.

See Storage services for supported storage services.

File endpoints changes#

In v3, automatic identifier type detection (internal id or external storage_identifier) in endpoint paths has been removed. The <id> in a V3 file endpoint path always refers to the internal id. To operate on an existing file using storage_identifier instead of id, bulk file endpoints can be used.

Bulk file operations now have their own endpoints: put-many, post-many, patch-many, delete-many. The bulk endpoints support omitting the Metax file id if the storage service and file identifier in the storage are specified: {"storage_identifier": <external id>, "storage_service": <service>}. The put-many endpoint will clear any existing file fields that are not specified in the request.

Directories no longer have an identifier, so the ​/rest​/directories​/<id> endpoints have been removed. To get details for a directory, /v3/directories?storage_service=<service>&csc_project=<project>&path=<path> contains the directory details for <path> in the parent_directory object.

Many of the parameters for /v3/files and /v3/directories have been renamed or have other changes. For a full list of supported parameters, see the Swagger documentation.


Here are some of the common files API requests and how they map to Metax V3:

Action V1/V2 V3
List files GET /rest/v1/files GET /v3/files
List removed files GET /rest/v1/files?removed=true GET /v3/files?include_removed=true (includes non-removed files)
Get file (using Metax id) GET /rest/v1/files/<id> GET /v3/files/<id>
Get removed file (using Metax id) GET /rest/v1/files/<id>?removed=true (includes non-removed) GET /v3/files/<id>?include_removed=true (includes non-removed files)
Get file (using external id) GET /rest/v1/files/<id> GET /v3/files?file_storage=*&storage_identifier=<id>&pagination=false
returns list
Create file POST /rest/v1/files POST /v3/files
Create files (array) POST /rest/v1/files POST /v3/files/post-many
Update files (array) PATCH /rest/v1/files POST /v3/files/put-many
Update or create files (array) n/a POST /v3/files/patch-many
Delete files DELETE /rest/v1/files (array of ids) POST /v3/files/delete-many (array of file objects)
Restore files (array) POST /rest/v1/files/restore not implemented yet
File datasets (using Metax id) POST /rest/v1/files/datasets POST /v3/files/datasets
File datasets (using external id) POST /rest/v1/files/datasets POST /v3/files/datasets?storage_service=<service>
List directory contents by path GET /rest/v1/directories/files?csc_project=<project>&path=<path> GET /v3/directories?storage_service=<service>&csc_project=<project>&path=<path>

Dataset files#

In Metax V3 datasets provide a summary of contained files in the fileset object:


  "fileset": {
      "storage_service": "ida",
      "csc_project": "project",
      "total_files_count": 2,
      "total_files_size": 2048

Updating dataset files is performed by specifying directory_actions or file_actions in fileset object when updating dataset. See Datasets API for details.

There are endpoints for browsing files either as a flat list or as a directory tree:

  • To get list of dataset files, use GET /v3/datasets/<id>/files.
  • To browse dataset directory tree, use GET /v3/datasets/<id>/directories.

The dataset file and directory endpoints support the same parameters as corresponding /v3/files and /v3/directories endpoints and use pagination by default. This is a change from Metax V2 which does not support pagination in the dataset files endpoint.

Dataset-specific file metadata#

Dataset-specific directory and file metadata used to be under directories and files objects in the dataset. In Metax V3 the metadata is included in dataset_metadata objects when browsing fileset associated with a dataset:

  • viewing /v3/datasets/<id>/files
  • viewing /v3/datasets/<id>/directories
  • viewing /v3/files with dataset=<id>
  • viewing /v3/directories with dataset=<id>

Dataset-specific directory metadata is only visible when browsing directories.