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Files API#

The files API /v3/files supports creating file metadata objects that can then be associated with datasets. Write operations to the API are generally restricted to specific services. For example, freezing files in Fairdata IDA creates new Metax file metadata entries for the frozen files.

For end users, browsing files in Metax and associating them to a dataset requires extra permissions, like belonging to the IDA project the file is in.

For more information about IDA and how to become a user see



A Metax file object represents a file stored in a service. Files may be associated with multiple datasets, and files can have additional dataset-specific metadata.


A directory is a collection of files and subdirectories. Directories are determined dynamically from file paths when using the directory browsing API. A directory path may be associated with dataset-specific metadata.

Storage services and file storages#

Each file is associated with a storage service such as IDA, defined with storage_service field. Storage services may have additional parameters that are used for organizing files. For example, each file in IDA belongs to a project as specified by the csc_project field. A set of storage_service and related parameters define a file storage in Metax. A single dataset may only have files from a single file storage.

Below is a list of currently supported services.

Service storage_service value csc_project required
Fairdata IDA ida yes
Fairdata PAS pas yes

Browsing files in Metax#

Authenticated users can access files with the /v3/files endpoint. There is also a separate read-only endpoint /v3/directories that allows browsing files of a file storage in the format of a directory hierarchy.

For example, to browse frozen IDA files:

  • GET /v3/files?storage_service=ida&csc_project=<project> List of all files in IDA project with pagination.
  • GET /v3/files?storage_service=ida&csc_project=<project>&pagination=false List all files in IDA project without pagination. Not recommended for large projects.
  • GET /v3/files?file_storage=ida&storage_identifier=<id>&pagination=false Returns IDA file with specified storage_identifier in a list.
  • GET /v3/directories?storage_service=ida&csc_project=<project> View root directory contents of an IDA project.
  • GET /v3/directories?storage_service=ida&csc_project=<project>&path=/dir/subdir/ View contents of /dir/subdir/ of an IDA project.

For examples on browsing dataset files or directories, see Datasets API.

Directory API response format#

The responses from the /v3/directories endpoint include

  • parent_directory object containing current directory
  • directories list of subdirectories
  • files list of files

When pagination is enabled, the data is in the results object in the response. This differs from the usual pagination where results is a list. Pagination counts subdirectories and files together with directories first. Pagination is enabled by default.

The file_count and size values for a directory include all files in a directory, including subdirectories.

Example directory response This is an example of what the response for GET /v3/directories?storage_service=ida&csc_project=project&path=/data/ might look like.
  "count": 2,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": {
    "directory": {
      "storage_service": "ida",
      "csc_project": "project",
      "name": "data",
      "pathname": "/data/",
      "file_count": 5,
      "size": 1024,
      "created": "2022-11-12T12:34:00+02:00",
      "modified": "2022-11-13T14:34:00+02:00",
      "parent_url": ""
    "directories": [
        "storage_service": "ida",
        "csc_project": "project",
        "name": "subdirectory",
        "pathname": "/data/subdirectory/",
        "file_count": 4,
        "size": 0,
        "created": "2022-11-13T14:34:00+02:00",
        "modified": "2022-11-13T14:34:00+02:00",
        "url": ""
    "files": [
        "id": "e8524528-bfef-4731-8314-c5fe10ba3487",
        "storage_identifier": "file1-id",
        "pathname": "/data/file1.txt",
        "filename": "file1.txt",
        "size": 1024,
        "storage_service": "ida",
        "csc_project": "project",
        "checksum": "md5:bd0f1dff407071e5db8eb57dde4847a3",
        "frozen": "2022-11-12T13:20:00+02:00",
        "modified": "2022-11-12T12:34:00+02:00",
        "user": "fd_test_fairdata_user",
        "pas_process_running": "false"

Creating and updating files#

To create a single file, send a POST /v3/files request with a JSON file payload.

Example file payload
  "storage_identifier": "file-id",
  "pathname": "/data/file.txt",
  "csc_project": "csc_project",
  "size": 1024,
  "storage_service": "ida",
  "checksum": "md5:f00f1234",
  "frozen": "2022-11-13T14:34:00Z",
  "modified": "2022-11-13T14:34:00Z"

To update a file, call PATCH /v3/files/<id> where the payload includes the field values you want to change. Use null to remove a field value.

Bulk file creation and updating#

It may be more convenient to operate on multiple files in a single request. There are bulk endpoints that accept an array of file objects:

  • /v3/files/put-many Create new files or replace existing files.
  • /v3/files/post-many Create new files. Error if file already exists.
  • /v3/files/patch-many Partially update existing files. Error if file does not exist.
  • /v3/files/delete-many Deletes existing files. Error if file does not exist.

The bulk endpoints support omitting the Metax file id if the storage service and file identifier in the storage are specified: {"storage_identifier": <external id>, "storage_service": <service>}. When replacing an existing file, put-many will attempt to clear any existing file fields that are not specified in the request.

The response of the bulk file operations is in the following shape:

  "success": [
      "object": <created/updated file object>,
      "action": <action "insert", "update" or "delete">
  "failed": [
      "object": <failed input object>,
      "errors": <object describing errors>

By default, any errors in a creating or updating a file cause the entire request to fail with a 400 status code, with the failed objects listed in the failed array. When the query parameter ignore_errors is enabled, the response code will be

  • 200 when everything was successful
  • 207 when there were both successful and failed operations
  • 400 when all operations failed.


The 207 Multi-Status code is defined in the WebDAV protocol and is not part of the standard HTTP codes. Metax does not implement WebDAV and only uses the code to indicate that a request was partially successful.

Files API fields#

File object fields#

Bolded fields are required when creating a file.

Field key value read only
Metax identifier id uuid x
Storage service storage_service str
CSC project identifier csc_project* str
File identifier in external service storage_identifier* str
File path pathname str, e.g. /data/file.txt
File name (determined from path) filename str, e.g. file.txt x
Freeze date in external service frozen datetime
When file was removed from service removed datetime (null if not removed) x
Modification date in external service modified datetime
File size in bytes size int
Checksum checksum str, e.g. md5:ffa123f...
Is PAS compatible is_pas_compatible bool or null
Dataset-specific metadata dataset_metadata** object x
User user str
Is PAS process running pas_process_running*** bool

* Required depending on storage service.

** Only available when viewing files of a dataset.

*** Only PAS user can update this field. Default: False.

Directory object fields#

Field key value
Earliest file modification date created datetime
Most recent modification date of file modified datetime
Storage service storage_service str
CSC project identifier csc_project str
Directory name name str, e.g. subdir
Directory path pathname str ending with /, e.g. /data/subdir/
Dataset-specific metadata dataset_metadata* object
Total file count incl. subdirectories file_count int
Number of files in some public dataset published_file_count** int
Total byte size incl. subdirectories size int

* Only available when viewing directories of a dataset.

** Only available when using count_published query parameter.