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Metax Datamodel and DCAT 3#

Metax is fully compatible with DCAT 3 data-model, but has some minor variations allowed by the specification. This article will explain how DCAT is integrated into Metax V3 data-model.


This comparison is comparing DCAT concepts to equivalent Metax database Models. V3 classes have Django application name in front of them.

DCAT classes#

This comparison is comparing DCAT concepts to equivalent Metax database Models. V3 classes have Django application name in front of them.

DCAT 3 class V3 equivalent
Catalog core.DataCatalog
CatalogRecord core.CatalogRecord
Checksum N/A
Concept refdata.AbstractConcept
DataService files.FileStorage.storage_service
Dataset core.Dataset
Dataset Series N/A
Distribution N/A
Location core.Spatial
N/A files.Directory
N/A files.File
Organization actor.Organization
Period of Time core.Temporal
Person actor.MetaxUser
Role core.DatasetActor



DCAT 3 property V3 equivalent
access rights N/A
catalog record records
creator system_creator
dataset records
homepage publisher.homepage
language language
license N/A
publisher publisher
resource N/A
themes dataset/theme
title title

Catalog Record#

DCAT 3 property V3 equivalent
conforms to N/A
listing date created
title dataset.title
modification date modified


DCAT 3 property V3 equivalent
access rights access_rights
description description
distribution N/A
frequency N/A
identifier persistent_identifier
in series N/A
keyword keyword
language language
license access_rights.license
N/A field_of_science
release date issued
spatial coverage spatial
spatial resolution N/A
status state
temporal coverage temporal
temporal resolution N/A
theme theme
title title
was generated by creator


DCAT 3 property V3 equivalent
beginning N/A
end N/A
end date end_date
start date start_date


DCAT 3 property V3 equivalent
bounding_box N/A
centroid N/A
geometry as_wkt