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User guide#

General API Usage#

The Metax API supports multiple response formats. The response format is determined by the Accept header of the request, and can be overridden by the format query parameter.

  • Accept: application/json or ?format=json: Response is formatted as a JSON document. The default response type.
  • Accept: text/json or ?format=api: Browsable HTML API. Includes some useful tools for browsing and filtering data.

Requests that have data in the request body should have the data in JSON format and include the header Content-Type: application/json.


The resource endpoints generally use the following format:

  • GET /v3/<resource> Get list of objects, e.g. GET /v3/datasets.
  • POST /v3/<resource> Create new object with values in body.
  • GET /v3/<resource>/<id> Retrieve object.
  • PATCH /v3/<resource/<id> Update object with values in body.
  • PUT /v3/<resource/<id> Replace object values with values in body. Clears writable values not included in the body.

Endpoints that don't fit into the previous categories typically use GET for reading data and POST for updating data. There are some exceptions where POST is used for a read request when the input might otherwise be too large to fit into a query string.

The most up-to-date information about endpoints and their supported parameters can be found in the Swagger documentation.


Most endpoints returning lists of objects use pagination by default. Metax uses offset-based pagination. E.g. ?offset=200&limit=100 will skip the first 200 results and show up to 100 results on a page. The paginated results are in format of

    "count": total number of results,
    "next": link to previous page,
    "previous": link to next page,
    "results": [ list of results on current page ]

Pagination can be disabled with ?pagination=false. In that case the response will be a list of results. Note that some queries might produce too many results to be practical to use without pagination.

Common query parameters#

Some query parameters are common for all endpoints and are not explicitly listed in the Swagger documentation.

strict: By default, requests containing query parameters the API does not recognize will return an error. It can sometimes be useful during development to have the API ignore unknown parameters by including ?strict=false in the query.

include_nulls: By default, null values are omitted from responses. Set ?include_nulls=true to keep null values.

Value types#

This documentation uses following abbreviations to describe the allowed types of a value.

Type Description Example
str Text string. "Hello world"
int Integer number. 13
bool Boolean value. true
uuid UUID style identifier. "9c1f1bbe-2b26-4580-88e1-979950994437"
url String containing a URL. ""
date ISO 8601 date. "2013-12-24"
datetime ISO 8601 date and time with offset. "2023-10-05T09:23:35+03:00"
dict Object with language codes and translations. Empty translations ("" or null) are ignored. If all translations are empty, the dict becomes null. {"en": "English title", "fi": "Suomenkielinen otsikko"}
object Object. Content depends on the field. {"start_date": "2023-09-20", end_date": "2023-11-25"}
list Array of items. Content depends on the field. [1, 2, 3]