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Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
def check_child_model_serializer(child):
    assert isinstance(
        child, serializers.ModelSerializer
    ), "The `child` argument should be a model serializer."

    assert "url" in child.fields, "The `child` serializer should have a `url` field."


Bases: ListField

Custom field for a model list.

Allows user to represent targets using the 'url' key.

The 'child' parameter in 'serializers.ListField' is used for serializing the list in the response.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class URLReferencedModelListField(serializers.ListField):
    """Custom field for a model list.

    Allows user to represent targets using the 'url' key.

    The 'child' parameter in 'serializers.ListField' is used for serializing
    the list in the response.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def to_representation(self, manager):
        if isinstance(manager, list):
            return [self.child.to_representation(entry) for entry in manager]
            return [self.child.to_representation(entry) for entry in manager.all()]

    def to_internal_value(self, data):
        if not isinstance(data, list) or isinstance(data, (str, dict)):
  "not_a_list", input_type=type(data).__name__)

        if data and hasattr(data[0], "url"):
            # The list of entries has already been converted into model
            # instances
            return data

            urls = set(entry["url"] for entry in data)
        except KeyError:
            raise serializers.ValidationError(
                "'url' field must be defined for each object in the list"
        except TypeError:
            raise serializers.ValidationError(
                "Each item in the list must be an object with the field 'url'"

        model = self.child.Meta.model
        entries = list(model.objects.filter(url__in=urls))

        retrieved_urls = set(entry.url for entry in entries)
        missing_urls = urls - retrieved_urls

        if missing_urls:
            model_name = self.child.Meta.model.__name__
            raise serializers.ValidationError(
                "{model_name} entries not found for given URLs: {urls}".format(
                    model_name=model_name, urls=", ".join(missing_urls)

        return entries


Helper class for caching reference data in serializer context.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class ReferenceDataCache:
    """Helper class for caching reference data in serializer context."""

    notfound = object()  # Notfound in cache indicates object does not exist

    def __init__(self, model):
        self.model = model
        self.entries = {}

    def from_context(cls, context: dict, model):
        caches = context.setdefault("refdata_caches", {})
        model_name = model.__name__
        cache = caches.get(model_name)
        if not cache:
            # Create new cache for model
            cache = cls(model)
            caches[model_name] = cache
        return cache

    def add_url(self, url):
        """Add url to entries."""
        self.entries.setdefault(url, None)  # Entry is None if queried yet

    def get(self, url):
        """Get entry from cache or query entry from DB."""
        val = self.entries[url]
        if val is None:
            # Entry not queried yet, query all entries that haven't been queried yet
            instances = self.model.available_objects.filter(
                url__in=[_url for _url, entry in self.entries.items() if entry is None]
            self.entries.update({entry.url: entry for entry in instances})

            # If entry with url wasn't found, mark it as not found
            for _url, entry in self.entries.items():
                if entry is None:
                    self.entries[_url] = self.notfound
            val = self.entries[url]
        if val is self.notfound:
            raise self.model.DoesNotExist()
        return val

add_url(url) #

Add url to entries.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
def add_url(self, url):
    """Add url to entries."""
    self.entries.setdefault(url, None)  # Entry is None if queried yet

get(url) #

Get entry from cache or query entry from DB.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
def get(self, url):
    """Get entry from cache or query entry from DB."""
    val = self.entries[url]
    if val is None:
        # Entry not queried yet, query all entries that haven't been queried yet
        instances = self.model.available_objects.filter(
            url__in=[_url for _url, entry in self.entries.items() if entry is None]
        self.entries.update({entry.url: entry for entry in instances})

        # If entry with url wasn't found, mark it as not found
        for _url, entry in self.entries.items():
            if entry is None:
                self.entries[_url] = self.notfound
        val = self.entries[url]
    if val is self.notfound:
        raise self.model.DoesNotExist()
    return val


Bases: RelatedField

Serialized RelatedField for URL-referenced concepts.

Accepts input data in the format { "url": ... } which is then used to fetch a model instance. The instance is serialized using a model serializer. The serializer is expected to have a "url" field.

The field is essentially a wrapper around a concept serializer. Using a non-serializer field here prevents the parent serializer from complaining about unsupported writable nested serializers.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class URLReferencedModelField(serializers.RelatedField):
    """Serialized RelatedField for URL-referenced concepts.

    Accepts input data in the format
        "url": ...
    which is then used to fetch a model instance.
    The instance is serialized using a model serializer.
    The serializer is expected to have a "url" field.

    The field is essentially a wrapper around a concept serializer.
    Using a non-serializer field here prevents the parent serializer
    from complaining about unsupported writable nested serializers.

    default_error_messages = {
        "does_not_exist": _("{model_name} entry not found for url '{url_value}'."),

    def __init__(self, child: serializers.ModelSerializer, **kwargs):
        self.queryset = child.Meta.model.objects.all()
        self.child = child
        # Always allow child to be null. Otherwise both parent and child would require allow_null,
        # e.g. `URLReferencedModelField(Child(allow_null=True), allow_null=True)`
        child.allow_null = True
        self.child.bind(field_name="", parent=self)

    def many_init(cls, **kwargs):
        """For many=True use custom list field that retrieves multiple urls at once."""
        return URLReferencedModelListField(**kwargs)

    def run_validation(self, data=empty):
            if data is not empty:
                data = self.child.run_validation(data)
            return serializers.Field.run_validation(self, data)
        except serializers.ValidationError as exc:
            raise serializers.ValidationError(exc.detail)

    def preprocess(self, data):
        """Collect urls in a "refdata" dict in context."""
        if isinstance(data, Mapping):
            if url := data.get("url"):
                cache = ReferenceDataCache.from_context(
                    context=self.context, model=self.child.Meta.model

    def to_internal_value(self, data):
            cache = ReferenceDataCache.from_context(
                context=self.context, model=self.child.Meta.model
            return cache.get(data["url"])
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            model_name = self.child.Meta.model.__name__
  "does_not_exist", url_value=data["url"], model_name=model_name)

    def to_representation(self, value):
        return self.child.to_representation(value)

    def get_value(self, dictionary):
        """Convert DRF forms input from json to dict."""
        value = super().get_value(dictionary)
        if html.is_html_input(dictionary):
            value = json.loads(value)
        return value

    def get_choices(self, cutoff=None):
        """Modified get_choices that converts dict to json for DRF forms."""
        queryset = self.get_queryset()
        if queryset is None:
            return {}

        if cutoff is not None:
            queryset = queryset[:cutoff]

        return OrderedDict(
                (json.dumps(self.to_representation(item)), self.display_value(item))
                for item in queryset

get_choices(cutoff=None) #

Modified get_choices that converts dict to json for DRF forms.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
def get_choices(self, cutoff=None):
    """Modified get_choices that converts dict to json for DRF forms."""
    queryset = self.get_queryset()
    if queryset is None:
        return {}

    if cutoff is not None:
        queryset = queryset[:cutoff]

    return OrderedDict(
            (json.dumps(self.to_representation(item)), self.display_value(item))
            for item in queryset

get_value(dictionary) #

Convert DRF forms input from json to dict.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
def get_value(self, dictionary):
    """Convert DRF forms input from json to dict."""
    value = super().get_value(dictionary)
    if html.is_html_input(dictionary):
        value = json.loads(value)
    return value

many_init(**kwargs) classmethod #

For many=True use custom list field that retrieves multiple urls at once.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
def many_init(cls, **kwargs):
    """For many=True use custom list field that retrieves multiple urls at once."""
    return URLReferencedModelListField(**kwargs)

preprocess(data) #

Collect urls in a "refdata" dict in context.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
def preprocess(self, data):
    """Collect urls in a "refdata" dict in context."""
    if isinstance(data, Mapping):
        if url := data.get("url"):
            cache = ReferenceDataCache.from_context(
                context=self.context, model=self.child.Meta.model


Bases: CharField

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class ChecksumField(serializers.CharField):
    allowed_algorithms = ["md5", "sha256", "sha512"]

    default_error_messages = {
        "invalid": _(
            "Checksum should be a lowercase string in format 'algorithm:value'. "
            "Allowed algorithms are: {allowed_algorithms}."

    def checksum_regex(self):
        return rf"^({'|'.join(self.allowed_algorithms)}):[a-z0-9_]+$"

    def fail(self, key, **kwargs):
        kwargs["allowed_algorithms"] = self.allowed_algorithms
        return super().fail(key, **kwargs)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs["trim_whitespace"] = True
        validator = RegexValidator(

    class Meta:
        swagger_schema_fields = {"example": "md5:6f5902ac237024bdd0c176cb93063dc4"}


Bases: ChecksumField

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class RemoteResourceChecksumField(ChecksumField):
    allowed_algorithms = ChecksumField.allowed_algorithms + ["sha1", "sha224", "sha384", "other"]


Bases: ChoiceField

ChoiceField that lists valid choices in the 'invalid choice' error message.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class ListValidChoicesField(serializers.ChoiceField):
    """ChoiceField that lists valid choices in the 'invalid choice' error message."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        choices = kwargs.get("choices", [])
        kwargs["error_messages"] = {
            "invalid_choice": serializers.ChoiceField.default_error_messages["invalid_choice"]
            + " "
            + _("Valid choices are: {choices}").format(
                choices=[c for c in to_choices_dict(choices)]
            **kwargs.get("error_messages", {}),

        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)


Bases: CharField

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class MediaTypeField(serializers.CharField):
    default_error_messages = {"invalid": _("Value should contain a media type, e.g. 'text/csv'.")}

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        validator = MediaTypeValidator(message=self.error_messages["invalid"])


Bases: CharField

Serializer field that accepts a WKT string and normalizes it.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class WKTField(serializers.CharField):
    """Serializer field that accepts a WKT string and normalizes it."""

    def to_internal_value(self, data):
            return shapely.wkt.loads(data).wkt
        except shapely.errors.GEOSException as error:
            raise serializers.ValidationError(_("Invalid WKT: {}").format(str(error)))


Bases: HStoreField

Serializer field for MultiLanguageField model fields.

Languages with null or "" as translation are removed from the object. Disallows empty objects {} by default.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class MultiLanguageField(serializers.HStoreField):
    """Serializer field for MultiLanguageField model fields.

    Languages with `null` or "" as translation are removed from the object.
    Disallows empty objects `{}` by default.

    child = serializers.CharField(allow_blank=True, allow_null=True)

    def to_internal_value(self, data):
        if isinstance(data, dict):
            data = {
                lang: translation
                for lang, translation in data.items()
                if translation not in [None, ""]
        if data == {} and self.allow_null and not self.allow_empty:
            return None
        return super().to_internal_value(data)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault("allow_empty", False)


Bases: CharField

CharField that converts empty strings to nulls if allowed.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class NullableCharField(serializers.CharField):
    """CharField that converts empty strings to nulls if allowed."""

    def run_validation(self, data):
        # CharField checks for empty string in run_validation
        # instead of to_internal_value.
        if self.allow_null:
            is_empty = data == "" or (self.trim_whitespace and str(data).strip() == "")
            if is_empty:
                data = None
        return super().run_validation(data)


Value container for email addresses.

Can be cached. Intentionally not JSON serializable by default to reduce chance of accidentally leaking values. Needs to be removed or converted into string before rendering.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class PrivateEmailValue:
    """Value container for email addresses.

    Can be cached. Intentionally not JSON serializable by default
    to reduce chance of accidentally leaking values. Needs
    to be removed or converted into string before rendering.

    def __init__(self, value: str):
        self.value = value

    def __eq__(self, value: object) -> bool:
        if isinstance(value, PrivateEmailValue):
            return self.value == value.value
        elif isinstance(value, str):
            return self.value == value
        return super().__eq__(value)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return "<PrivateEmailValue>"


Convert PrivateEmailValues into strings or hide them recursively.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
def handle_private_emails(value: dict, show_emails, ignore_fields=set()):
    """Convert PrivateEmailValues into strings or hide them recursively."""
    omit = object()

    def recurse(value):
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            for k in list(value.keys()):
                ret = recurse(value[k])
                if ret is not None:
                    if ret is omit:
                        del value[k]
                        value[k] = ret
            return None
        if isinstance(value, list):
            for v in value:
            return None
        if isinstance(value, PrivateEmailValue):
            return value.value if show_emails else omit

    for k in list(value.keys()):
        if k not in ignore_fields:
            ret = recurse(value[k])
            if ret is not None:
                if ret is omit:
                    del value[k]
                    value[k] = ret


Bases: EmailField

Email field that is hidden by CommonModelSerializer by default.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class PrivateEmailField(serializers.EmailField):
    """Email field that is hidden by CommonModelSerializer by default."""

    def to_representation(self, value):
        self.context["has_emails"] = True
        return PrivateEmailValue(super().to_representation(value))


Bases: Field

Field that ignores its input and does not produce output.

The field is visible in Swagger (and can have help text) and does not cause an "invalid field" error when someone tries to write a value.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class NoopField(serializers.Field):
    """Field that ignores its input and does not produce output.

    The field is visible in Swagger (and can have help text) and
    does not cause an "invalid field" error when someone tries to
    write a value.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs["write_only"] = True
        kwargs["required"] = False
        kwargs["allow_null"] = True
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def to_internal_value(self, data):
        raise serializers.SkipField()

    def get_attribute(self, instance):
        raise serializers.SkipField()

    def to_representation(self, value):
        return None


Bases: Field

Read-only field that always returns constant value.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class ConstantField(serializers.Field):
    """Read-only field that always returns constant value."""

    def __init__(self, value, *args, **kwargs):
        self._value = value
        kwargs["read_only"] = True
        kwargs["default"] = value
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_attribute(self, instance):
        return self._value

    def to_representation(self, value):
        return value


Bases: ListField

ListField that serializes into a comma-separated string.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class CommaSeparatedListField(serializers.ListField):
    """ListField that serializes into a comma-separated string."""

    def get_value(self, dictionary):
        return super(serializers.ListField, self).get_value(dictionary)

    def to_internal_value(self, data):
        data = data.split(",")
        return super().to_internal_value(data)

    def to_representation(self, data):
        return ",".join(data)


Bases: IntegerField

IntegerField that accepts but truncates float values.

Source code in src/apps/common/serializers/
class LaxIntegerField(serializers.IntegerField):
    """IntegerField that accepts but truncates float values."""

    def to_internal_value(self, data):
        if isinstance(data, str) and len(data) > self.MAX_STRING_LENGTH:

            # Decimal() allows also decimal strings, e.g. "1.2e5" unlike direct int() conversion
            data = int(decimal.Decimal(data))
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return data