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Token Based Authentication#

Bearer Tokens#

Bearer tokens are used by end-users trough Fairdata SSO and are manually generated from Metax UI.

Generating the token without SSO#

You can generate Bearer token without SSO by following these steps.

Create superuser & generate new token#

python createsuperuser
Login to admin panel from /v3/admin endpoint. Go to endpoint /v3/auth/tokens and generate a new bearer token. Copy the token value from the page.

Using the token#

You can now use this token in requests by adding the following header

Authorization: Bearer <token>

Hijacking another user to generate bearer token#

You can hijack another user to generate a bearer token for them, this is useful when you want to test authorization of non-admin users. Go to admin-panel and open "Users" table under "Users" header. On the right side of any users, you can click the HIJACK button, it will direct you to non-existing page, but you can now go to /auth/tokens and generate new token for the user. On the bottom of the webpage you can release the hijack and return to your previous user.

DRF Tokens#

If you want to use non-expiring token, you can enable DRF native token implementation.

Setting the environment variable#

Start by setting the env-var ENABLE_DRF_TOKEN_AUTH=True in your .env file.

# .env file

Running migrations#

After setting the env-var, you must run python migrate to generate the necessary database tables:

python migrate

Getting the token#

While the env-var is true, all users will get a DRF-token on save operation. This includes admin users. There are two ways of getting this token.

Using the endpoint#

You can send your user and password on post request to /v3/drf-token-auth/ endpoint. It will return your token.

# POST /drf-token-auth

From the admin panel#

DRF tokens can be found on the admin panels "Tokens" table under "Auth Token" section.

Using the token#

Add Authorization header to your requests in this form:

Authorization: Token <token value>