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Writing Documentation#

MKDocs and configuration structure#


MKDocs library is used for writing user- and developer documentation. MkDocs config is located at repository root level in file mkdocs.yml


docs/ is the main navigation file, that uses literate-nav extensions for building the navigation tree.

Warning does not work properly if there are spaces after navigation item definition


mkdocstrings extension is used for automated docstring documentation in the Reference

Mkdocs Material#

Mkdocs Material gives many useful widgets and elements that can be used as part of documentation.

Generating source code reference files#

To update the source code reference files in docs/reference/, remove the existing reference files and run the generation script:


The script also supports additional arguments: * --delete-obsolete or -d: Delete obsolete reference files automatically. * --git-files-only or -g: Ignore changes not staged in git.

Running Mkdocs development server#

MkDocs development server is hot-reload enabled documentation generator, that instantly shows changes made to .md files in browser. You can start the development server from repository root folder with command:

# port can be defined freely
mkdocs serve -a localhost:8005