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Metax V3 uses two separate caching mechanisms: django-cachalot, and a custom dataset cache implementation. Both support using the memcached data store.


Cachalot is a library that caches Django ORM queries and automatically invalidates them. Cachalot is enabled in Metax V3 by setting ENABLE_MEMCACHED=true in .env configuration.

If direct modifications are done to the database, it is a good idea to invalidate the cache. This can be done by running the command python invalidate_cachalot.

See the official cachalot docs for further information.

Dataset cache#

When a dataset is serialized, a subset of dataset fields are cached in a data store. When retrieving datasets, the serialized cached values are used for cached fields if available. Only fields that don't have relations to other datasets or other dynamic information are cached. As an exception, cached fields may contain reference data. It is recommended to clear the cache if changes are made to reference data.

To enable the dataset cache, add ENABLE_DATASET_CACHE=true to .env. It is recommended to also set ENABLE_MEMCACHED=true to enable memcached usage. Otherwise the cache uses a local per-process data store that is only useful for development. When DEBUG_DATASET_CACHE=true, the server logs will include caching information when listing datasets.

To cache all uncached datasets, run python cache_datasets. To clear the cache, run python clear_dataset_cache.