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Token Based Authentication#

Bearer Tokens#

Bearer tokens are used by end-users trough Fairdata SSO and are manually generated from Metax UI.

Generating the token without SSO#

You can generate Bearer token without SSO by following these steps.

Create superuser & generate new token#

python createsuperuser
Login to admin panel from /v3/admin endpoint. Go to endpoint /v3/auth/tokens and generate a new bearer token. Copy the token value from the page.

Using the token#

You can now use this token in requests by adding the following header

Authorization: Bearer <token>

Impersonating another user to generate bearer token#

You can impersonate another user to generate a bearer token for them. This is useful when you want to test authorization of non-admin users.

Go to admin-panel and open "Metax users" table under the "Users" header in the sidebar. On the right side of any user, you can click the Impersonate button, and it will direct you to the front page, where you are now logged in as the user of your choice. You can now go to /auth/tokens and generate new token for the user. On the bottom of the webpage you can Stop impersonating and return to your previous user.

DRF Tokens#

If you want to use non-expiring token, you can enable DRF native token implementation.

Setting the environment variable#

Start by setting the env-var ENABLE_DRF_TOKEN_AUTH=True in your .env file.

# .env file

Running migrations#

After setting the env-var, you must run python migrate to generate the necessary database tables:

python migrate

Getting the token#

While the env-var is true, all users will get a DRF-token on save operation. This includes admin users. There are two ways of getting this token.

Using the endpoint#

You can send your user and password on post request to /v3/drf-token-auth/ endpoint. It will return your token.

# POST /v3/drf-token-auth/

From the admin panel#

DRF tokens can be found on the admin panels "Tokens" table under "Auth Token" section.

Using the token#

Add Authorization header to your requests in this form:

Authorization: Token <token value>