Quick Start ============ Fairdata Services ------------------ If you don't already have API credentials to Metax API, get in contact with Metax developers. After that, see the examples sections in topics :doc:`datasets`, :doc:`files`, or whatever API it is that you are going to interact with. End Users ---------- No chit-chat get a dataset published into Metax and see it in the Fairdata service Etsin: 1) Copy the following Python code into a file: .. code-block:: python import requests token = 'paste your token here' response = requests.get('https://__METAX_ENV_DOMAIN__/rpc/datasets/get_minimal_dataset_template?type=enduser') assert response.status_code == 200, response.content dataset_data = response.json() headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token } response = requests.post('https://__METAX_ENV_DOMAIN__/rest/datasets', json=dataset_data, headers=headers) assert response.status_code == 201, response.content identifier = response.json()['identifier'] print('I have created a dataset, and its identifier is: %s' % identifier) print('Find the published dataset in Etsin: __ETSIN_ENV_BASE_URL__/dataset/%s' % identifier) 2) Log into https://__METAX_ENV_DOMAIN__/secure 3) Copy your token from the presented web page and use it in the script as the value for variable ``token``. 4) Execute the script. 5) You should now have a published dataset, and you should be able to find it in the Fairdata service Etsin by using the identifier printed by the script in the following url: ``__ETSIN_ENV_BASE_URL__/dataset/`` In reality you will probably want to create a dataset with a little bit more interesting data in it, but using the example dataset from API ``GET /rpc/datasets/get_minimal_dataset_template`` is a good starting point for your modifications. For more involved examples, see the examples sections in topics :doc:`datasets` and :doc:`files`, or start browsing the various sections of the documentation to get to know what's what.